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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Digital Integrated Circuits - Analysis and Design

PDF | English | 6MB | 721 pages

No field of enterprise today is more dynamic or challenging than that of
digital integrated circuits. Since the invention of the integrated circuit in
1958, our ability to pack transistors on a single chip of silicon has doubled
roughly every 18 months, as described by “Moore’s law.” As a consequence,
the functionality and performance of digital integrated circuits have
improved geometrically with time. This exponential progress is unprecedented
in any other industry or segment of the world economy, and has
revolutionized the way we live and work.
Because of its very nature, the field of digital integrated circuits has rapidly
outrun the numerous good books available on the topic. In response, some
authors have adopted the approach of narrowing the focus to a single sub-
field, with the goal of covering an ever-increasing wealth of technology.
None, however, has made a clear transition to the modern multidisciplinary
practice of digital integrated circuits.

D/L :

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