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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Developing Web Applications with Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET

Developing Web Applications with Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET was born out of a
desire to enable experienced Visual Basic developers to extend their knowledge and
experience investment to the Web easily and seamlessly.
The thought behind this title is that the developer wouldn't need to master several
technologies for ASP.NET development but could use the integrated tools and practical
techniques to be productive quickly. It's also designed to be a code-based, hands-on
introduction that will prepare, you, the reader for more focused titles.
Who Should Read This Book
If you are a Visual Basic programmer who has significant experience with:
§ Event-driven programming (including working with forms and controls)
§ COM component development
§ Data access using ADO
§ Basic familiarity with HTML, but little exposure to Web-related development
then you should read this book. This book will help you to extend your existing
knowledge investment to building Microsoft technology-centric Web Applications in
For the VB Developer, learning ASP Web development meant dealing with a variant of
VB, a blurred line between code and content, component deployment issues, and
bulky, interpreted solutions that are sometimes less-than-elegant. In addition, the
paradigm shift required for Web development meant rethinking traditional application
design and architecture methods as well.
ASP.NET is an exciting new platform for developing, deploying, and running Web
applications. It is a major enhancement of ASP; solving performance, scalability, and
deployment challenges while strengthening the platform through its extensive compiled
programming language support and a simplified, more powerful page model.
The integration of Web development features in Visual Basic .NET through its support
of ASP.NET allows VB developers to make the transition more easily than ever before,
without the use of separate tools or technologies. A major ASP.NET design goal was to
create a similar programming model so that VB developers would have a shorter
learning curve in building Web applications, thus solving many of the aforementioned
problems using earlier technologies. This frees the developer to focus on the new
concepts introduced by Web development without the need to learn multiple
environments and tools in the process.

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